Now showing items 1-10 of 12
Students' choice of college major and their perceived fairness of the procedure: evidence from Turkey
(Routledge, 2010)
This study investigated the relative influence of factors and persons in college
major choice and procedural justice perceptions of 449 undergraduate students
enrolled in 1 private and 2 public universities in Turkey. ...
Development and validation of a citizenship attributional style questionnaire
(Elsevier, 2017-12)
Attribution theory remains popular in the social sciences and often informs education
studies. However, attributional style questionnaires tend to reflect the context-dependent
character of the theory and existing measures ...
Unity with(in) plurality: Rawls's idea of public justification reinterpreted
This paper explores and interprets Rawls's idea of public justification by analysing the types of reasons that citizens use when engaged in public justification of a political conception of justice. In particular, I focus ...
Otaçağ İslâm dünyasında V. postulat geleneği
(Türkiye Alim Kitapları, 2016)
Köy ve kent sosyolojisi bağlamında Mehmet Ali Şevki Sevündük’te memleket
(Akademisyen Kitabevi, 2019)
Faculty and student perceptions on college cheating: evidence from Turkey
(Routledge, 2011)
Investigation of academic dishonesty has increased markedly in the past two
decades; however, the body of research offers inconclusive evidence for many
variables. This study examines faculty and student perceptions of ...
Sosyal, beşeri ve idari bilimler alanında araştırma ve değerlendirmeler
(Gece Kitaplığı Yayınevi, 2019)
Toplum, Sosyoloji ya da Sosyolojiye Giriş mahiyetindeki kitaplarda birbirini andırır ifadelerle tanımlanmaktadır. Bu bağlamda “... ortak bir mekanda birlikte yaşayan, temel sosyal gereksinmelerini tatmin etmek ...
Terminoloji ve çeviri
(Aktif Yayınevi, 2019-12-31)
In this study the concepts of “retrospective”, “prospective” and “introspective” will first be defined to scrutinize them under the umbrella of Translation Studies. In addition, a new conceptual suggestion titled “integrated ...
A proposed framework based on literature review of online contextual mental health services to enhance wellbeing and address psychopathology during COVID-19
(Electronic Journal of General Medicine, 2020)
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) became a pandemic and is causing unprecedented biopsychosocial, spiritual and economic issues across the world while mostly affecting unprivileged populations. Turkey has gradually implemented ...
Managing conflict with parents-in-law in a secular society steeped in Islamic traditions: Perspectives of married Turkish couples
In Turkey, conflicts with parents-in-law can be shaped by opposing viewpoints that can emerge from the coexistence of modern secular and Islamic traditions. The integral role of parents-in-law in Turkish families makes it ...