Recent Submissions

  • Exergy analysis of waste heat recovery cogenerative organic rankine cycle 

    Ustaoğlu, Abid; Ergün, Alper; Erdoğmuş, Ertuğrul; Torlaklı, Hande (2019-09-18)
    Conventional technologies used to generate electricity from heat require high temperature and pressure values. This leads to some technical and economic difficulties. With the effect of industrialization, improvements have ...
  • Effect of paper waste reinforced clay bricks on building energy cost 

    Ustaoğlu, Abid; Kurtoğlu, Kübra; Gençel, Osman; Gök, M.Sabri; Erdoğmuş, Ertuğrul (International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies, 2017-11-04)
    In this article, the influence of the use of three different bricks on the building heat performance is compared for use on wall surfaces as a building construction element. At the beginning of the analysis, the thermal ...
  • Seasonal variation of gas/particle partitioning of pcb compounds in the Istanbul atmosphere 

    Güneş, Gülten; Saral, Arslan; Kuzu, S. Levent (2015-04-28)
    In this study, gas/particle partitioning of dioxin-like PCBs (Dl-PCB) and indicator PCB was investigated at three sampling areas of Istanbul. Gas and particle phase samples were collected via high volume air sampler ...
  • Yeraltı suyu kalitesinin fizikokimyasal parametrelerle belirlenmesi: Bartın ili örneği 

    Güneş, Gülten (UKSAY DESKİ, 2018-10-27)
    Bu çalışmada, yeraltısuyu kalitesinin fizikokimyasal parametrelerle araştırılması ve içme suyu ya da tarımsal alanlarda sulama suyu olarak kullanılabilirliğinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada öncelikle farklı ...