An outline on how translation project management might be carried out: a sample translation project by translation&interpreting students at Dumlupınar University in Turkey
The translation phenomenon has been a means of meeting communication needs among people
throughout history. The intensity of translation has been increasing in connection with globalization and
the digitalization processes, impacting many areas of life. Accordingly, the position of translation in the
development of disciplines and in understanding and recognizing cultures by one another is undeniable.
Whereas translation activity was once an act that a single translator could perform, nowadays, texts
on many products and services are translated into different languages to respond more quickly to the
expectations of consumers and users of different languages. That is why translation has gone beyond
being purely an individual activity and has become teamwork. From this point on, there are cases that the
translation task has become a project on which more than one person works because different specialists
must serve as team members to complete a project successfully. For example, even though having a
single translator within a translation project of a website allows the words to be translated, re-positioning
of the images, the presence of circumstances where the graphic design needs to be changed, re-creating
the company slogans, post-editing and making the translation ready for the user, determining which
segments will be translated in coded parts, etc. require various specialists such as graphic designers,
post-editors, technical writers, localization engineers, coders and so forth. In this way, errors or problems
that might occur during the translation project can be detected during revisions or mutual teamwork.
Besides, in this way, the individual responsibility of the translator or other team members can turn into
a collective responsibility, which means that the translation project is a team-based effort rather than
a tiring cognitive process. To this end, the project management and translation project management
concepts were described in this study. The details of a sample translation project were explained in the
core section, and how the project management might be done was explained. It is thought that if the steps
determined for the sample project are followed during the translation task, the translation projects can
become more productive and successful instead of a tiring process.
Keywords: Project, translation project, sample translation project, translation act.
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