Doç. Dr. Abdülvehhab Öztürk’ün hayatı ve eserleri üzerine bir biyografi denemesi
Abdülvehhâb Öztürk (d. 1435/2014) is both a bureaucrat and an accomplished scientist produced by
our country. He has authored 18 works both copyrighted and translated. We prepared a declaration that
deals with his life and works and is based on the meaning of the Qur’an.
While reading Assoc. Professor Abdulvehhab Öztürk’s translation of The Qur’an we found out that
there are mistakes in the translation of some verses, incomplete translations of some verses and that the
translations of some verses are not made at all.
While dealing with Abdulvehhab Öztürk’s translation in terms of comparison, Mawdudi’s Tefhim
al-Qur’an The Meaning and Interpretation of the Qur’an and we have taken the translation of the Holy
Qur’an published by the Presidency of Religious Affairs as a basis translated by Dr. Halil Altuntaş and
Dr. Muzaffer Şahin.
Abdülvehhab Öztürk tried to translate the meanings of the verses into our Turkish in a correct,
understandable and simple way and even made an effort to provide a better understanding of the points
emphasized in the verses by bringing proof from the proverbs in the explanation of the verses.
We deemed it appropriate to carry out such a notification work, considering that it would contribute
to the work to some extent for those who read Abdülvehhab Öztürk’s translation and those who will
correct that edition when new editions are requested. We hope that notifications and articles will be
written on his other books and translated works.