The role of translation studies and translation theory in the far east
The translation activity, which began to transform into a discipline with James Holmes’s, seminal paper entitled "The Name
and Nature of Translation Studies" in 1972 has increasingly established relationship with such disciplines as linguistics,
literature, sociology, philosophy, anthropology, archeology, and so on. In terms of this relationship between Translation
Studies and these disciplines, this academic field of study has also evolved into an inter-disciplinary branch of science over
time. As a result, scholars have introduced many different theories and approaches under linguistic, cultural, sociological and
technological revolutions and turns within TS. The foundations of translation studies have begun to be established in this
way. Upon considering overall TS literature, one can see that most of the translation theories and approaches are actually
western-centered. In fact, it may be because the West is in a sense more advanced than the East in terms of scientific
developments. But did only the Western approaches have an impact on the translation in terms of its gaining a scientific
status? What is the position of far eastern countries like China on translation and translation studies? What is the contribution
of both west and far eastern scholars to the far east in the advancement of translation studies? Have the far eastern scholars
ever put forward any theories or approaches to contribute to the translation process, its function, and production, like their
counterparts in the west or have they at least conducted studies in this respect? In this geography, what kind of translation
problems do scholars deal with and what are the similarities and differences between East and West? Based on these
questions, the study questions the place of translation studies and translation theories in the far eastern countries such as
China and makes a scrutinization on how they are received in these geographies. It is hoped that this study will contribute to
the emergence of new paradigms in order to support the progressive structure of translation studies in parallel with the
translation needs in the far east.
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