Development of the resistance scale towards technology supported ınstruction: Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis

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Yavuz Konokman, Gamze
Yanpar Yelken, Tuğba
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The purpose of the study was to develop a scale to determine the prospective teachers’ resistance towards technology supported instruction. For this reason, the draft form was applied to 1082 prospective teachers being educated at School of Education at a Public University in Mediterranean region during 2013-2014 academic year. Exploratory factor analysis based on Varimax rotation has revealed the scale has a structure with single factor and five components. The components are called as “unwilling harmony”, “active resistance”, “complete harmony”, “disproving” and “disregarding”. Reliability parameter of the whole scale has been found as .906; test retest reliability parameter has been found as .354 (p<.05). Five components altogether explain 57,136% of the total variance. Factor loading distribution differs between .532 and .779. As a result of confirmatory factor analysis, GFI (.90), CFI (.99), IFI (.99), NFI and NNFI (.98), RMSEA (.057), CFI (.99), AGFI (.88) have been calculated and the findings has indicated the harmony between the model and observed structure. Reliability analysis, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses have indicated that resistance scale towards technology supported instruction is a valid and reliable measurement tool.