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dc.contributor.authorTurhan, Zeynep
dc.description.abstractThe major goal of this paper is to review the existing therapeutic approaches in domestic violence perpetrator interventions by illustrating their effectiveness in reducing and ending the violent behaviour of men from marginalized ethnic groups. The paper aims to discuss how services can efficiently respond to historically marginalized ethnic perpetrators' needs and circumstances based on their social and cultural contexts. This article reviews literature about the success of domestic violence intervention approaches among marginalized ethnic group perpetrators. While each intervention approach highlights key practices for revealing violent behaviour, the combination of integrative approaches and culturally-sensitive strategies appear to be more effective for perpetrators from diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds. This article contributes to debates about culturally-sensitive approaches by discussing the importance of professionals' skills for enhancing marginalized ethnic perpetrators' motivations to remain engaged in the intervention process. It recommends a number of key culturally-specific strategies for this purpose.en_US
dc.subjectCulturally-sensitive strategiesen_US
dc.subjectIntervention approachesen_US
dc.subjectMarginalized ethnic perpetratorsen_US
dc.subjectViolent behaviouren_US
dc.subjectKültüre duyarlı stratejileren_US
dc.subjectMüdahale yaklaşımlarıen_US
dc.subjectÖtekileştirilmiş etnik failleren_US
dc.subjectŞiddet içeren davranışlaren_US
dc.titleImproving approaches in psychotherapy and domestic violence interventions for perpetrators from marginalized ethnic groupsen_US
dc.relation.journalAggression and Violent Behavioren_US
dc.contributor.departmentBartın Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, Sosyal Hizmeten_US
dc.contributor.authorID0000 0002 5343 9442en_US

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