Social and psychological well-being among vulnerable groups during covid-19 epidemic: Literature review
While traumatic Covid-19 epidemic affects many people’s everyday lives, it is very important to recognize vulnerable groups’ needs during coronavirus cri-sis. Individuals’ social-emotional, psychological, spiritual-religious and economic needs in coronavirus crisis should be examined. Vulnerable groups often face ad-ditional struggles during traumatic events. This article aims to investigate avail-able evidence on key experiences of social and psychological well-being among vulnerable groups including elderly people, children, youths and pregnant women during the pandemic. The critical literature review was the method of this article. This investigation concentrates on vulnerable groups’ key lived experiences dur-ing lockdown linked to the outbreak. Also, it examines available literature on how elderly people, children, youths and pregnant women face Covid-19 pandemic restrictions and lockdown by focusing on their wellness. This article found that vulnerability among children, young people, pregnant women and elderly people was associated with their developmental circumstances. Importantly, these groups were frequently face social and psychological difficulties based on their vulnerable positions during coronavirus crisis. It suggests that social policymakers need to develop available and accessible tools and sources for vulnerable groups during Covid-19 to meet their social and psychological needs.