Now showing items 31-40 of 109
Weierstrass representation degree and classes of the surfaces in the four dimensional Euclidean space
(Celal Bayar University, 2017)
We study two parameters families of Bour-type and Enneper-type minimal surfaces using the Weierstrass representation in the four dimensional Euclidean space. We obtain implicit algebraic equations, degree and classes of ...
On generalized euler spirals in E3
The Cornu spirals on plane are the curves whose curvatures are linear. Generalized planar cornu spirals and Euler spirals in E3, the curves whose curvatures are linear are deÖned in [1,5]. In this study, these curves are ...
Helicoidal hypersurfaces of dini-type in the four dimensional minkowski space
(Karaman Üniversitesi, 2018)
We define Ulisse Dini-type helicoidal hypersurfaces with spacelikeaxis in Minkowski 4-spaceE41. We compute the Gaussian and the mean curva-ture of the hypersurface. Moreover, we obtain some special symmetries to thecurvatures ...
Algebraic surfaces of the laplace-beltrami operators of the TF-type surfaces
(Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, 2015)
We study on a new kind of surface covered by translation and factorable (TF-type) surfaces in the three dimensional Euclidean space. We calculate I and III Laplace-Beltrami operator surfaces of a TF-type ...
3-boyutlu lorentz-minkowski uzayında (T,L)-türündeki dönel yüzeyler
(Çankaya Üniversitesi, 2013)
Enneper type surfaces in 4-space
(Ahi Evran Üniversitesi, 2016)
Bour's theorem in Minkowski 3-space
(Kyoto Journal of Mathematics, 2006)
In this study, we show that a Generalized helicoid with null axis is isometric to a rotation surface with null axis so that helices on the Helicoid correspond to parallel circles on the rotation surface in three dimensional ...
Topoloji ders notları
Cardiohelicoidal surfaces
Geometers have been working the curve theory and the surface theory for hundreds of years. We see good works for the theories in the literature. In this work, we introduce cardiohelicoidal surface in the three dimensional ...
New sequence spaces with respect to a sequence of modulus functions
(International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 2017-10)