Seasonal variation of gas/particle partitioning of pcb compounds in the Istanbul atmosphere

Göster/ Aç
Güneş, Gülten
Saral, Arslan
Kuzu, S. Levent
Üst veri
Tüm öğe kaydını gösterÖzet
In this study, gas/particle partitioning of dioxin-like PCBs (Dl-PCB) and indicator PCB was investigated at three
sampling areas of Istanbul. Gas and particle phase samples were collected via high volume air sampler on
monthly time intervals from May 2011 to October 2013. Dl-PCB compounds showed a tendency of existing in
gas phase (77%) with increasing trend in the summer season. The percentages of gas phase were determined to
be 88% and 66% for summer and winter seasons, respectively. Indicator PCBs showed a tendency of existing in
gas phase (87%) similar to Db-PCB compounds. Unlike Dl-PCBs, gas/particle partitioning of indicator PCBs did
not show significant seasonal variation. Gas phase ratios of indicator PCBs were detected to be 88%, 89%, 87%,
84% for winter, summer, autumn and spring seasons, respectively. Low negative correlations were found
between temperature, precipitation, wind rate, solar radiation (SR), ultra violet (UV) and Dl-PCB concentrations.
Similarly, low negative correlations were found between wind rate, atmospheric pressure and indicator PCB