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Toplam kayıt 23, listelenen: 1-20
A sample application for use of biography in social studies; science, technology and social change course
(Journal of Education and Training Studies, 2017)The aim of this study is to evaluate the opinions of social studies teacher candidates on use of biography in science, technology and social change course given in the undergraduate program of social studies education. In ... -
The analysis of Kutadgu Bilig in terms of values education
(European Journal of Educational Research, 2018-04-15)Kutadgu Bilig is one of the literal works that shed light on Turk-Islam history and culture. In this study, it is aimed to examine Kutagu Bilig in terms of values that are involved in social studies teaching program. In ... -
Awareness of social studies teacher candidates on refugees in Turkey
(Elsevier, 2017)The aim of this study is to obtain information about the awareness of social studies teacher candidates about the refugee problem in Turkey. In this regard, a group of teacher candidates are asked their opinion on the ... -
Basic technology competencies, attitude towards computer assisted education and usage of technologies in Turkish lesson: a correlation
(Canadian Center of Science and Education, 2017)The present research was done to determine the basic technology competency of Turkish teachers, their attitude towards computer-assisted education, and their technology operation level in Turkish lessons, and to designate the ... -
The effect of argumentative text pattern teaching on success of constituting argumentative text elements
(World Journal of Education, 2018)The aim of this study is to view how argumentative text pattern teaching influences constituting argumentative essay elements. The study was performed according to one-group pre-test post-test design. The study was carried ... -
The effect of summarization strategies teaching on strategy usage and narrative text summarization success
(Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2018)The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of summarization strategies teaching on usage of summarization strategies and narrative text summarization success. The study was carried out in a single-group pre-test-post-test ... -
Evaluation of human rights, citizenship and democracy course by teacher's vision
(World Journal of Education, 2018-04-15)Human Rights, Citizenship and Democracy Course draws attention to with topics such as human rights, effective citizenship. In terms of content, it has an important place in contemporary education concept. It is thought ... -
Evaluation ofsocial studies teachers’ usage situation ofliterary works intheir courses: Bartın sample
(Bartın Üniversitesi, 2018)Literature can be defined as a branch of art by which people express their emotions, thoughts, imaginations and ideals verbally or in written through language. It is one of the many ... -
The impact of teaching the subjects under "science in time" unit in the social studies class in the 7th grade using jigsaw technique on the academic success of the students
(Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2017)The main point in today’s educational approach is that it is based on a student-centered approach. One of the alternative instruction techniques having a convenient content for this system is the ... -
Intangible cultural heritage attitude scale: validity and reliability study
(Bartın Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi, 2019)The goal of this study is to develop a valid and reliable assessment instrument for determining the attitudes of secondary school students towards intangible cultural heritage components. Items included in the assessment ... -
An investigation of secondary school 7th grade students’ awareness for intangible cultural heritage
(İESTE, 2017)The aim of this study is to determine the secondary school students’ views about the intangible cultural heritage (ICH) elements, which are in the social studies curriculum, and to raise awareness of these elements if ... -
İskoçya'da yaşayan Türklerin dil kullanımı ve dil tercihlerinde bireysel etmenler
(Turkish Studies International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, 2016)Bu araştırma İskoçya’da yaşayan Türklerin dil kullanımları ve dil tercihlerindeki bireysel etmenlerin rolünü belirlemek üzere yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın amacı, dil kullanımının bireysel etmenlerle nasıl bir ilişki içinde ... -
Kelime öğretim yöntemlerinin kelime hazinesinin gelişimindeki etkisinin karşılaştırılması: meta analitik bir değerlendirme
(2017-07-29)Eğitim araştırmalarındaki en eski alanlardan biri olan kelime öğretiminin, bireylerin anlama ve anlatma becerilerinin yanında sosyal ve iletişimsel becerilerinin de gelişimine katkı sağlayan bir etkinlik alanı olduğu kabul ... -
The levels of using reading strategies of the prospective teachers
(Bartın Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi, 2018)Okuduğunu anlama başarısı, bilişsel sürecin üstbilişsel stratejilerle izlenmesi ve kontrol edilmesi sonucunda artmaktadır. Üstbilişsel stratejiler okuma eğitiminde okuma stratejileri olarak yerini almaktadır. Öğrencilerin ... -
Life sciences curriculum in Turkey and the evaluation of values education in textbooks
(Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 2012)In primary schools in Turkey, life sciences is one of the lessons which take the responsibility ofpreparing students to the social life and help students gain intended values. In the vision ... -
Metaphorical attitudes of social studies teacher candidatestowards the concept of “university”
(International Journal Of Eurasia Social Sciences, 2017)Educational process is one of the most crucial periods of human life. In this process, university life holds particular importance as universities are among the first places that set ground for individual and ... -
The opinions of prospective teachers on peer assessment
(Educational Research and Reviews, 2016)This research was conducted to determine the opinions of prospective teachers on peer assessment. The study was carried out at a university in the West Black sea with forty-one prospective Turkish teachers. The prospective ... -
A qualitative study on the opinions of 7th grade students on intangible cultural heritage
(Review of International Geographical Education Online, 2019)The purpose of this study is to identify the opinions of 7th grade students at middle schools on the elements of intangible cultural heritage (ICH) and to reveal their levels of awareness on such elements. The study based ... -
Süreç odaklı yazma yaklaşımlarının yazma başarısına etkisi: bir meta analiz
(Çukurova Üniversitesi, 2017)The aim of this study is to identify -by merging the results of a large number of studies conducted in related literature review- at which level “writing as a process” approach affects students’ writing success. Additionally, ... -
Teacher views on barriers to the integration of information and communication technologies (ict) in Turkish teaching
(Look Academic Publishers, 2017)Technology has taken place in all areas of life. Educational environment is equipped with the technology to educate individuals with the skills to meet the needs of the day. It is expected that teachers use information and ...