Browsing İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi by Title
Now showing items 123-142 of 367
Hanların turizme kazandırılması Mardin Diyarbakır ve Şanlıurfa il merkezindeki hanlar üzerine bir çalışma
(Dicle Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2015-05)Buçalışmaİpek Yolu güzergâhında yer alan Mardin, Diyarbakır ve Şanlıurfa illerindeki hanların şu anki durumu ve kullanma biçimleri ile ilgili bir saha çalışmasıdır. Hanların turizme kazandırılma biçimleri ve yapılması ... -
Hardness and brightness durability properties of opaque paints used in furniture industry
(1999)In furniture industry resistance of wooden surfaces against external effects depends on the strength of paint and varnish layers towards possible impacts. In this study cellulosic, synthetic ... -
Helal otellerin gözü nereye bakıyor karşılaştırmalı bir analiz
(Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Turizm Sempozyumu, 2019-06) -
Hizmet ticaretinin dünya ve Türkiye ekonomisindeki yeri
(Bartın Üniversitesi, 2011)Ekonomideki üç temel sektörden biri olan hizmetler sektörü, günümüzde birçok ülke için baúlıca üretim ve istihdam kayna÷ıdır. Bilgi teknolojisindeki geliúmelerin ticarete konu mamul malların hizmet içeri÷ini artırması, ... -
Hormone and microorganism treatments in the cultivation of saffron (Crocus Sativus L.) plants
(Molecules, 2008)The difficult cultivation of the saffron plant (Crocus Sativus L.) make the spice of the same name made from its dried stigmas very valuable. It is estimated that some 75,000 blossoms or 225,000 hand-picked stigmas are ... -
Hükümet ve siyasi parti programlarında "turizmde sürdürülebilirlik" kavramı
(Gümüşhane Üniversitesi, 2015-05) -
I. Bartın sektörel kalkınma sempozyumu, 8-10 Nisan 2015 Bartın: bildiriler kitabı
(Bartın Üniversitesi, 2015) -
Impact of career adaptability on employee performance
(International Journal of Business and Management Invention, 2018-11)In the world of business where competition is intense and the importance of human resources is increasing day by day. The level of performance that individuals exhibit is one of the factors determining competitive power ... -
The impact of employee’s religious attitudes on organizational silence
(European Conference on Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2018-05) -
The impact of exporter small-business enterprise factors on their own export performance and costs
(European Journal of Business and Management, 2014)The main purpose of this study is to examine the impact of exporter company factors on cost advantage and export performance. The study is based on the hypothesis that the capability of market information ... -
The impact of proactive personality on strategic thinking skills
(European Conference onSocial and Behavioral Sciences, 2016-09-04) -
The impact of technology investment on value added: an empirical study on Turkish manufacturing and service sector
(IJOPEC Publication Limited, 2018)Thanks to rapid advancements on technology, the new processes of production, marketing and delivering for firms began to be used and this condition enhanced the national and international competition. In order to survive ... -
The impact of the absorptive capacity on innovation performance
(International Congress on Management Economics and Business, 2017-09-07) -
The impact of ‘distribution capability, business knowledge, service differentiation and experience’firm behaviors onexportperformance
(Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 2012)The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of distribution capability, service differentiation, business knowledge and experience of businesses on export performance. Accordingly, meetings based on research ... -
Impact on economic growth of military expenditures: an application
(Peter Lang, 2018-12-31) -
Importance of process control in paper mills
(Conservation and Utilisation of Forest Resources, 2001)In this study, a linear programming model wasbased for an integrated plywood plant withminimum cost-producing both veneer peeling andplywood. This model comprised two stages and thefirst stage ... -
Intelligent and natural agriculture with industry 4.0
(Bartın Üniversitesi, 2019)It is estimated that by 2050 the world population will increase by one third. Most of these people will continue to live in developing countries. This means that more people will live in cities. According to FAO, if current ... -
An investigation of the 2015 financial support programme areas of the development agecies in terms of regional development
(Gebze Teknik Üniversitesi, 2016) -
ISPS kod uygulamalarında kullanılmakta olan gözetleme teşhis tespit sistemleri
(International Congress on Management Economics and Business, 2017-09)Following the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in the US on September 11, 2001, all countries are aware that terrorism is a global problem and that countries should be struggled in coordination with this major ... -
İdari yargılama usulünde yargılamanın yenilenmesi başvurusu
(İnönü Üniversitesi, 2020-06)Yargılamanın yenilenmesi, ağır hukuki hatalara sahip bir mahkeme kararının varlığını sona erdirip yeniden yargılama yapılması suretiyle hukuki güvenlik ilkesini sağlamayı amaçlayan bir kanun yoludur. Yargılamanın yenilenmesi ...