The effects of technology on translation students in academic translation teaching
This paper aims at touching upon effects of technological developments on the translation teaching in the 21st century. These
technological developments are usually in the area of Information Technology (IT) contributing to the fast growth of the
computer industry. The popularization of the computer, especially in the early 1980s changed actually the way translator follows
in the translation process through the appearence of useful translator tools including translation memories, terminology databases,
translation management programs, electronic corpora and so forth. These breakthroughs happening in the computer technologies
also triggered a different perception of what we call functional translation theories defending that every translation is made for a
purpose and suggesting a target oriented approach. In the past a translator had to translate using a typewriter or paper and pen.
The development of the technology, however, encouraged the translation industry or more appropriately, now localization
industry to adopt new tools in the translation process. While explaining all these points, the study follows a descriptive and
comparative methodology
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