Bilingualism and bilingual education, bilingualism and translational action

Köktürk, Şaban
Odacıoğlu, Mehmet Cem
Uysal, Nazan Müge
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Bilingualism basically defined as having been brought up with two languages and being moreor less equally competent in using both languages is a significant phenomenon in thisinformation era requiring frequent access and communication
among people. This study aimsto identify the bilingualism phenomenon focusing on some of its components. First of allthough it is not easy to make clear cut definitions regarding the term bilingualism, what theterm stands for and which basic constellations can be associated with this term will beexplained in the study in a detailed way. Following the definition of bilingualism, conditions such as second language acquisition
which proposes a basis for bilingualism, theeffects of bilingualism on the brain and certain individual factors affecting bilingualism aregoing to be dealt with. An important component of bilingualism, bilingual education, will beanalyzed within the perspectives of the importance of bilingual family in raising bilingualchildren and bilingual education especially in pre-school and school as a preparatory phasefor later stages of bilingual schooling. In addition, the concept of bilingualism is also dealtwith in terms of its relationship with the translational action to gain the study aninter-disciplinary aspect.