From inter- disciplinarity to trans disciplinarity in the academictranslation teaching

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Köktürk, Şaban
Odacıoğlu, Mehmet Cem
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Translation Studies has been accepted as an academic discipline as of the second half of the Twentieth Century andsince then, many translation theories have been developed by the translation scholars or linguists. These theories can beuseful for translators in the translation process and in the determination of the function of the translation. Additionally,they can synchronically and diachronically contribute to the comparison of translation products. As a continuousdeveloping discipline, Translation Studies has first integrated itself with linguistics, science of philosophy, literaturestudies, sociology, history and cultural studies. Thus, the translation teaching that first focused on language teaching hasgained an inter-disciplinary status. However after the millennium, it is thought that there is also a journey from inter-disciplinary aspects of Translation Studies and translation teaching to trans-disciplinarity. Because Translation Studieshas now extended its scope into Information & Communication Technologies, computational linguistics, computerengineering, computer programming and so forth. Therefore, the current translation teaching must be done taking intoaccount this reality. Hence, in this study, transdisciplinary aspects of the translation teaching are discussed in thecontext of new areas of study by analyzing the technology based translation courses which are found in translationcurricula at Bo
aziçi, Illinois and Western Sydney Universities