Prospective translators' responsibilities in the transition from translation competence to translator competence and contributions of translation education in this process
This study focuses on the concept of translation competence, which develops further with
professionalization following the translation education and evolves into the concept of translator
competence in practice. For this purpose, the word “competence” was first defined from different
perspectives and the synonyms of the term were explained. After that, the linguistic competence,
used first by Noam Chomsky, was discussed. Because one of the main components of the translation
competence is the linguistic competence. At a time when classical approaches dealt with translation
as a mere linguistic transfer, the linguistic competence was considered sufficient to explain the
translation. And the translation activity was, therefore, regarded as a sub-branch of Applied
Linguistics. But at a time when the demand for translation has been constantly growing in a
globalized world, it is obvious that the phenomenon of language alone is not enough to explain
translation. In order to meet economic, global, social and cultural needs of the target audience,
different competences have also begun to take part under the translation performance. The most
important of these is by far the cultural competence. Because the translator cannot make an
adequate and acceptable levels of translation, which are Toury's initial norms, without knowing the
source culture very well and by ignoring the expectations of the target culture. The concept of
culture is then necessary in terms of empathy with both the source and the target reader. For
example, a word can have multiple connotations other than its denotative meaning and what is
expected of translation may be one of the most distant connotative meanings of the word. In this
respect, it is important to recognize the culture in finding a translation equivalent. In addition, in
today's approaches and in terms of the market expectations, even the cultural competence has
started to be not enough to explain the translation action. Then it can be asserted that translation
competence can no longer be explained only by linguistic and cultural competences. New subcompetences brought by market driven needs like the increasing necessity of the use of modern
technologies in the translation process have also begun to be among the important components of
the translation competence. How can a translator gain all these? First of all, in order to successfully
overcome the translation process, the translator as well as gaining an expertise in the subject area,
must also have a meta perspective of the translation process and internalize the theoretical
infrastructure that explains the translation competence. This is also possible with a good translation
which is guiding and inspiring. In fact, all kinds of theoretical knowledge and
components learned by prospective translators towards enhancing translation competence which is
constantly supported by translation assignments throughout the translation education are put into practice more intensively after graduation, allowing the translation competence to cross existing
boundaries and to turn this concept into the translator competence at the end. In this case, a
translation pedagogy which can be useful in practice among existing translation
theories/approaches for prospective translators should be adopted, and this pedagogy should be
organized in such a way as to enable translation students to be able to create a self-guiding model of
education by translation instructors. In this way, translation students can develop their translation
performance. Last but not least, it is thought that this study will also be useful to show how
prospective translators will make their declarative information procedural at the end.
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